Antibiotics are the most widely used in Sub-Saharan Africa for the treatment of diseases prevention, growth promotion, and prophylaxis, all of which are critical for the animal husbandry industry’s long-term viability. This study was aimed to examine the susceptibility of the isolated bacteria to antimicrobials from a pig farm in Lagos State’s Ikorodu area. The aggregate number of 42 rectal and 10 fecal samples was collected from three (3) different pig pen and was examined using Nutrient agar, EMB agar, MacConkey agar. The pour plate technique was used were MacConkey agar, Nutrient agar, and EMB agar were placed onto a Petri-dish holding 1ml of the appropriate dilution to isolate bacteria. After incubating the plates
at 37°C for 24 hours, colony counts were taken, and the bacterial isolates were preserved by sub culturing them to get pure cultures, which were used for biochemical tests. For primary isolation of bacteria from the rectal swab samples, MacConkey agar, Blood agar, and EMB agar were used. The blood agar was prepared as Tryptone Soya Agar mixed with 5% of blood that served for detection of haemolytic activity of bacteria. Blood agar, MacConkey agar and EMB agar plates were incubated aerobically at 37 ° C for 24hours. The bacterial isolates were
preserved by sub culturing them to get pure cultures which were used for biochemical tests. The isolates were subjected into morphological examination and biological test and their identity were confirmed using the characteristics. The test carried out include Gram’ s staining, Catalase Test, Potassium hydroxide test (KOH), Haemolytic Test, Sugar Fermentation Test, Indole Test, Starch Hydrolysis Test, Mannitol broth Test, Urease Test, Hydrogen sulphide Test, Motility Test, and Citrate Test. The number of pure bacteria isolates were found from37 rectal and 5fecal samples. The cultural and biochemical characteristic of the bacterial isolates showed
the fact that 12 of the isolates (28.6) were Staphylococcus spp, 7 (16.7%) were Bacillus spp, 6 (14.2%) were Enterobacter spp, 7 (16.7%) were Klebsiella spp, 7 (16.7%) Citrobacter spp, 2 (4.76%) were E.coli, 1 (2.38%) was Samonella spp. Antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed that; For the gram positive isolates the highest susceptibility of the isolate was Gentomycin (100%), while the lowest susceptibility was Cloxacillin (0%). The highest resistance of the isolates (100%) was recorded with Cloxacillin, while the lowest (0%) was recorded with Gentomycin. The antibiotics susceptibility of gram negative isolates showed that the highest susceptibility of the isolate was Ofloxacin (95.2%), Nitrofurantoin (95.2%), Gentamicin (95.2%), while the lowest susceptibility was Cefuroxime (23.8%). The highest resistance of the isolates (76.2%) was recorded with Cloxacillin while the lowest (4.76%) was recorded with Gentamicin, Ofloxacin and Nitrofurantoin. This investigation displayed multi drug resistance to antibiotics in varying degrees and this may be caused by the misused of antimicrobials by pig producers without veterinarian consultation or prescription.

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Categories: Microbiology, Undergraduate
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