This study investigated the effect of television advertising on children. The aim of this research was to find out the influence of television advertising on children using Indomie noodles television advertisement of as case study. The research objectives were to determine the frequency of exposure of children to Indomie noodles television advertisements, examine the extent of appeal of Indomie noodles television advertisements to the children, to ascertain the level of influence Indomie noodles television advertisements have on children’s preference. as well as investigating other factors that influenced children’s preference for Indomie noodles over other noodles brand. To achieve this, the purposive sampling technique method was employed to sample 100 respondents from Jextoban Secondary School and Crown Jewel College located in Mile 12 in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State. All the selected one hundred (100) students were below age 13. Using the questionnaire instrument. 100 copies of questionnaire were distributed and from the 100 copies of questionnaire administered, 99 copies were retrieved for analysis. Therefore, 99 copies of questionnaire were analyzed, given a response rate of 99% to the research. The research found out that the frequency of exposure of children to Indomie noodles television advertisements is very high as all the children are not only aware of most Indomie noodles television advertisements but can also remember some of the messages in the advertisements. To a very large extent, the appeal of Indomie noodles television advertisements to children is very high especially the songs and the way Indomie noodles is served in the advertisements which made them to remember and recall the messages in the
advertisements. Indomie noodles television advertisements have significant influence on children’s preference as majority of the children always feel like eating Indomie noodles after watching Indomie noodles television advertisements. Other factor(s) that influenced children’s preference for Indomie noodles over other brands of noodles is the ease with which anyone including children can prepare Indomie noodles as compared to other brands of noodles. The study recommended among other suggestion that Parents should monitor/watch out for advertisements that are misleading. This can be done by watching/listening to media advertisement with their children and discussing advertising content with their children, in order to reduce its influence.
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Mass Communication, Undergraduate