The research study discusses the design of a functional multi storey building (Senate building) ways in reducing the risk to life caused by fire, reduce the risk of damage caused by fire, prevent the occurrence of fire and explosion, contain, control and suppress fire and explosion in the compartment of origin and provide adequate and readily accessible means of escape for staffs, workers and students in the event of fire. The research methodology was carried out with questionnaire with random sampling which shows that a great number of the respondents do not have idea of what to do or how to prevent fire or the spread of fire in the event of a fire outbreak in a building. A lot of information was also gathered from the internet, books and research work of safety experts. Arranged in five chapters, chapter one comprises the General introduction, literature review, Aim of design emphasis, methodology, design solution. Chapter Two entails the Historical background, literature review, origin of university & organization of university, university administrative terrain and others. Chapter Three deals with fire safety design and prevention plan and evacuation plan. This chapter also emphasis on choice of material and design methodology having in mind safety as the primary aim. Chapter Four focuses on case study of some existing local private and public universities, carefully studied there demerits and merits to assist in this research. Two other foreign universities plans and design methodology was also looked at in this chapter. Chapter Five focused basically on design solution and conclusion after all information gathered in the previous chapter was analysed. The Project is comprehensively summarized with the
findings, arrived at conclusion and recommendations. Based on the research methodology and findings there is a need for a befitting senate building for the university is long overdue for a conducive administrative environment staffs and for a smooth running of the institution with a lot of emphasis at the planning stage on Safety due to the nature of the environment being educational with high population of human traffic . The senate building has been adequately provided for in Caleb University master plan therefore a need for the implementation of the master plan.
File Type:
Architecture, Postgraduate (M.Sc)