This project, Automated Result Processing System is a system that aids in the computerized methodof processing result which is more accurate, fast and stress free .The result of any student remains the basic criteria to show the capability of that student anywhere in the world. This project, was carried out to improve on the existing system of processing result which was done manually, the issues created by the manual method were missing result, no centralized database, and long length
of time to process and upload student’s result. The aim of this project is to design an automated result processing system by evaluating the existing mode of student’s result processing in Caleb University and implementing the proposed system.
The system was designed using waterfall model which involves a number of stages or phases in which the development phase or the next phase/stage begins only when each of the previous stages have been completed. The system is platform independent and is able to run on any operating system. This project was implemented using, for front end Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML),
Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), and JavaScript and for the back end Java and Structured Query Language (MYSQL). The new system was designed in such a way that only those with authorized access are granted access to the system. The system is made available at all times and it can be accessed from any part of the world without a delay in requests. In conclusion, this system has been designed to improve the existing system with a computerized system for record keeping in the department of Computer Science, Caleb University. It is capable of storing student’s records and information for quick retrieval of records. This system makes result processing system very fast, efficient and effective record keeping of each student’s result, the
system is also easy to use, user friendly, secure and ensures data integrity.

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Categories: Computer Science, Undergraduate
Downloads: 13